1. Some number of birds tries to sit on some number of branches.
If on each branch just one bird sits, one bird is left without a branch to sit. If the birds sit two a branch, one branch stays empty.
How many birds? How many branches?
What if:
again, if just one bird sits on each branch, one bird has no branch. If two birds sit on each branch,
two branches are empty.
How many birds? How many branches?
OK, one more:
If one bird sits on each branch
, two birds are without a branch. If the birds two a branch, one branch is empty.
How many birds? How many branches?
2. Anne, Boris, Cynthia, David, Ellis, Fatima and Greg sit in a row at a lunch table. When they opened their lunch boxes, it turned out that any two neighboring kids have exactly 3 apples between them. Anne has 1 apple. How many apples has Greg? How many apples they have altogether?
3. There are some kids in the room, having lunch. Any two of them have 3 whole apples between them. How many kids are in the room?

4. Two friends want to climb two paths - orange and purple - to the top of the mountain. They are friends, and want to stay all the time at the same height.
Can they do it?
And what about these routes? |