Sunday, May 18, 2014

may 18

At the movies, Alice is left neighbor of Bob, Dorothy is right neighbor of  Carl. Dorothy and Alice are not neighbors. Who sits next to whom?

Quick Nick makes 4 laps, while Slow Joe makes just 1. If they start together, how many times Nick passes Joe? What if the numbers are 5 and 2? 5 and 3?

Draw boundaries on an island.

Vector addition.

Dragon, Unicorn and Sphinx again come to the restaurant.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

may 11

Dragon, Unicorn and Sphinx again come to the restaurant.

At the movies, Alice is left neighbor of Bob, Dorothy is right neighbor of  Carl. Dorothy and Alice are not neighbors. who sits next to whom?

Quick Nick makes 5 laps, while Slow Joe makes just one. If they start together, how many times Nick passes Joe?

Four kingdoms on an island have all common boundaries. Can all four have also access to the ocean?

Vector addition.