Sunday, January 25, 2015

Jan 25

  • Looking for places where the landmarks line up in a given sequence;
  • Guessed numbers in few questions
  • Subtracted vectors...


1. Find places where you can see these landmarks in this orders (left-to-right): 

  • Triangle-Star-Square-Circle
  • Circle-Square-Star-Triangle
  • Star-Triangle-Circle-Square
2. Draw the vectors A(1,3), B(-2,1), C(-1,-1). Find vectors A-C, A-B. 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Jan 18

Solve the trees between lampposts vs lampposts between trees puzzle. Can one see lamppost, tree, swing and climbing station in this orders: LTSC, CTLS? Other orders? All orders?

Find sums of vectors. Two vectors (2,1), (4,2). What vector added to the first gives the second?

Tile the plane with 4-gons: shares; skew squares; trapezoids; irregular 4-gons. Apple with 2 bites?

Five apples on the table; two are taken away - how many left? Five candles burning; two are extinguished - how many left?

Return to light bulbs puzzle...