1. Which shapes are symmetric? Which are asymmetric?
Students were asked to fold figures along axis of symmetry
Students were asked to fold figures along axis of symmetry
2. Fill in the missing half of each shape
Robots In Urbana
Following Math Circle 1.0 Sept 29 2013
The robot only understands two instructions:
1. "Go North"
2. "Go West"
How many ways can it get there?
Can you give it instructions to get back?
Each kid has one head and two legs.
- How many heads and how many legs do three kids have?
- If there are two heads and four legs, how many kids are there?
- If there is one head and six legs, how many kids? (no correct answer here, see below)
An ant has one head and six legs.
- If there is one head and six legs, does the head belong to a kid or to an ant?
- If there are two heads and eight legs, how many kids? How many ants?
What happens if you put a pack of mentos in a 2 L bottle of diet coke?