Saturday, October 26, 2013

October 27

Less with more

We have two jugs, 4 and 3 gallons, and plenty of water: how can one obtain 1 gallon of water?
Same question if the jugs volumes are 5 and 2? 7 and 2? 5 and 3? 
What about 6 and 3? 6 and 2?

Paying your dues

In Oddland, they have coins of 3 and 7 cents only. Can one pay 8 cents in exact change? 9? 10? 11 cents? 

In Evenland, they have coins of 2 and 6 cents. Can one pay 8 cents? 11?


In the game of "cross-cross" on needs to add straight segments connecting points. No intersections allowed! Whoever makes the last possible move, wins. Who would be that?

Pascal triangle

robotic adventures continue: we are counting the numbers of ways to get from start to each of the crossings. 

These numbers have a name: Binomial coefficients, and are typically arranged as the

Pascal triangle:

1   1
1   2   1
1   3   3   1
1   4   6   4   1


we will try the real game

As an experiment, we'll try the constant width (a.k.a. Reuleaux) rollers...

Monday, October 14, 2013

October 20

Finding all the trajectories along the grid (leading to Pascal triangle)

symmetries in n different lines


SET - three features the same

Saturday, October 12, 2013

October 13

Fibonacci numbers 

We write all possible sequences of black and white dots, such that no two black next to each other. How many different sequences are there?
2  of length 1 of them; 
3 of length 2; 
5 of length 3... 
Writing them one under another - if longer sequence extends the shorter one - helps.

Can you extend this picture? write all the sequences - without two black dots nearby! - of lengths 4... 5...

Robots still wandering 

how many ways to walk from the starting point to each of the crossings? Try to draw all the paths (or write them as instructions: North-West-North...

Find the number of paths to each crossing!

Eulerian graphs.


Still the baby version: put the card that has three features the same as the one on the table.


rope on two pegs; one peg removed - rope slides off.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

October 6

Latin squares

 Continuing latin square filling: A,B,C and D only, each once in each row and each column...

Three cities, each has 2 roads out.


Can we have a road map with 4 cities, each with 2 roads out (roads just connect the cities, or intersect in a regular way, no T-crossings!). 

Can we have 5 cities, each with 2 roads (easy)? 4 cities with 3 roads each? 

What about 4 cities of which 3 cities with have 3 roads each, and one city has just two roads? Is this possible at all?

Robots on the map: How many ways to go?

To recall, we program robots to go from one shape to another. Our starting point is the red triangle, and the robots go one block if you told them the direction. We use only North and West as the direction (otherwise robots will waste their precious charge).

Some place can be reached in more than one way: say from red triangle to yellow pentagon one can go in three different ways:
North West West
West North West
West West North
Try to find for each of the crossings the number of ways to go there (might be tricky for far away crossings!) - and write the numbers on the map. We'll discuss what results later.

Eulerian graphs.

The task is to trace these graphs without retracing and taking your pencil off the paper. The graphs for which this is possible are called  Eulerian. One of these graphs is not Eulerian - which one?


Understanding skin conductivity using advanced microelectronics from Radio Shack!

September 29

    Problem 1: Cyclists and Bikes

    One person rides a bicycle, two persons ride a tandem. 

    Six cyclists ride on 5 bikes. How many of them are on usual bicycles? how many are riding tandems? 

    What if one has 7 cyclists on 5 bikes? 8 on 4?

    Problem 2: Robots in Urbana

    One needs to program a robot to go from one place to another. Robot can go one block on its own, if you tell the direction. A program to go from, say, 5-star to yellow triangle is:

    Create a plan for a robot going from the 5-star to each of the colored polygons.
    Are there other ways to go from 5-star to yellow triangle (do not waste your robot time; do not make it go South or East)? find all of them! Do they all have the same number of steps?

    Problem 3: latin squares

    Fill the latin squares (the rule is the letters in each column and each row are different - A, B, C if you have 3-by-3 square, A, B, C, D for 4-by-4 square and so on)...

    Game 4: baby set game

    Game 5: overhang

    Game 6: labyrinth with weasel balls