Less with more
Same question if the jugs volumes are 5 and 2? 7 and 2? 5 and 3?
What about 6 and 3? 6 and 2?
Paying your dues
In Oddland, they have coins of 3 and 7 cents only. Can one pay 8 cents in exact change? 9? 10? 11 cents?
In Evenland, they have coins of 2 and 6 cents. Can one pay 8 cents? 11?
In the game of "cross-cross" on needs to add straight segments connecting points. No intersections allowed! Whoever makes the last possible move, wins. Who would be that?Pascal triangle
robotic adventures continue: we are counting the numbers of ways to get from start to each of the crossings.
These numbers have a name: Binomial coefficients, and are typically arranged as the
Pascal triangle:
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1