Saturday, October 5, 2013

September 29

    Problem 1: Cyclists and Bikes

    One person rides a bicycle, two persons ride a tandem. 

    Six cyclists ride on 5 bikes. How many of them are on usual bicycles? how many are riding tandems? 

    What if one has 7 cyclists on 5 bikes? 8 on 4?

    Problem 2: Robots in Urbana

    One needs to program a robot to go from one place to another. Robot can go one block on its own, if you tell the direction. A program to go from, say, 5-star to yellow triangle is:

    Create a plan for a robot going from the 5-star to each of the colored polygons.
    Are there other ways to go from 5-star to yellow triangle (do not waste your robot time; do not make it go South or East)? find all of them! Do they all have the same number of steps?

    Problem 3: latin squares

    Fill the latin squares (the rule is the letters in each column and each row are different - A, B, C if you have 3-by-3 square, A, B, C, D for 4-by-4 square and so on)...

    Game 4: baby set game

    Game 5: overhang

    Game 6: labyrinth with weasel balls

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