Sunday, February 28, 2016

Feb 28, 2016 - Math Circle 2.0

Odd and even number pattern

We sorted numbers 0 to 20 on the table and then examined the odd and even pattern of numbers.  We continued the pattern even with 21, 22, and beyond.

Grouping of objects

We borrowed a bunch of Ellie's toy animals and grouped them.  We grouped them many ways:  Anya's likes and dislikes, humans and animals, water creatures and land creatures.


The students did an experiment with coins to determine how many flips it takes to get a "heads."  Sometimes it took 5 tries, other times it took only one try.

Doubling numbers

Cookie Monster starts a cookie eating marathon.  He eats one on Sunday, two on Monday, four on Tuesday.  He then eats twice as many cookies as the previous day.  The students made the pattern to Thursday and figured out that it would be a challenge - even for Cookie Monster.

Raw egg and hard boiled egg experiment

Darrin made a hard boiled egg and got it mixed up with the raw eggs.  We made an experiment to determine how to find the hard boiled egg.

For next time....
If a b and c are cities, if 4 roads go from a-> b and 3 roads from b->c, how many roads go from a->c

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