1. Length
Two strings of same length. Lined up, which is longer?
Shift one, which is longer?
Make one curved, which is longer?
Travis added dots at each inch. Line them up and then
2. Volume
Play dough. Asked children to make two of equal amount
Students tried rolling and flattening them.
Then they used cookie cutter to measure equal amounts.
Rolled them into a ball and all agreed these are equal amounts
Then flattened one. All agreed flat one was bigger.
Then rolled them back again and they look the same.
Repeat squishing experiment
Still all agree flat one is bigger.
3. Area
Travis has a hungry horse and three patches of grass.
Arrange patches touching and one town has them separate.
Are these the same?
Now if the farmer splits up the patches
Which farmer has more grass for the horse?
Now count the patches.
Now count the patches.
3. Counting paths
If a b and c are cities, if 4 roads go from a-> b and 3 roads from b->c, how many roads go from a->c
4. Distance - maximal and minimal
The distance from my home to the nearest ice cream store is 8 blocks. The distance from my home to school is 6 blocks. What could be a maximal distance from my school to the ice cream store? What could be a minimal distance?
5. 3 and 5 cent stamps
Suppose you have an unlimited number of 3 and 5 cent stamps.
Prove that you can make any amount of postage 8 cents or more.
6. Experiment - oil and water
The distance from my home to the nearest ice cream store is 8 blocks. The distance from my home to school is 6 blocks. What could be a maximal distance from my school to the ice cream store? What could be a minimal distance?
5. 3 and 5 cent stamps
Suppose you have an unlimited number of 3 and 5 cent stamps.
Prove that you can make any amount of postage 8 cents or more.
6. Experiment - oil and water
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